Last week, the IGFA held a Europe and Mediterranean Regional Meeting in Barcelona, Spain. IGFA trustees, representatives, captains, clubs and members gathered from nine different countries to discuss the IGFA's new three-year strategy and to launch a new regional council structure, a key component of the IGFA's initiative to strengthen our international network and better fulfil our mission. .

The meeting began after introductions and brief welcome speeches by the event's host, IGFA Representative Lorenzo Roca from Spain, and IGFA President Carlos Duncan. IGFA President Nehl Horton, IGFA Marketing Director Jack Vitek and IGFA Marketing Director Andy Saldana presented the IGFA's strategy and three-year business plan to all attendees. After answering questions and a short lunch break, the group reconvened to discuss the specific goal of forming a Europe and Mediterranean Regional Council in the coming months. The concept of the regional council was warmly received by all attendees and almost all those present provided valuable comments and suggestions for the successful implementation of the new structure. In summary, participants agreed that the IGFA would begin accepting nominations for the Council Chair and Committee Chair in November after the council structure is announced to all IGFA members in the region. The aim is to have the board in place and operational by the end of 2018.

To conclude the meeting, IGFA Representative Raul Roca presented the Children's School programme that he and his family have developed. It aims to educate 30,000 children across Europe about the importance of ethical fishing and environmental protection over the next three years. IGFA trustee Massimo Brogna from Italy then presented his plans to start a satellite tagging programme for the Mediterranean needle to learn more about these mysterious fish.