Our KIDS SCHOOL courses expand as far as the Indian Ocean

Our KIDS SCHOOL courses expand as far as the Indian Ocean

Kids School Association in the Indian Ocean!

Lorenzo and Raúl Roca train 165 children and 25 adults in a Kids School course at the Hangnaameedhoo School 200 kilometres from the island of Male, in the Maldives, a success of our children's training programme that knows no borders!

The Kids School Association project aims to educate 30,000 children throughout Spain, Europe and North Africa... But any time and any place is a good place to make children and adults aware of the enormous need to care for our planet. 🌍

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Do you know how long it takes for a piece of chewing gum to dissolve completely in the sea? Or how much pollution is caused by a battery in a well? Do you know the difference between a straight hook and a circle hook? These and many other questions are answered in our KIDS SCHOOL courses... 30.000 children in Spain, Europe, North Africa,... and this time also in the Maldives.

Would you like to help us organise a KIDS SCHOOL course in your area?

Contact us.

Kind regards,

AZ Trading.