Two days, two courses - Institut Els Alfacs de San Carlos de la Rápita (280 young people)

Two days, two courses - Institut Els Alfacs de San Carlos de la Rápita (280 young people)

Another 2 new Kids School courses! 👧 👶

On 10 and 11 April, we had the opportunity to train students of 1st and 2nd ESO, courses that we organised together with the Institut Els Alfacs de San Carlos de la Rápita. San Carlos de la Rápita.
They gave us their classroom prepared for events where 76 girls, 74 boys and 8 adults received training on the first day. 
On the second day a total of 64 girls, 66 boys, and 8 adults attended our explanations.
We are grateful for the collaboration of the staff of the Institut Els Alfacs, special mention to Carme Cruelles, and the invaluable help of our friends from the shop La Cala Fishing.


Did you know that turtles mistake a plastic bag with handles for a jellyfish? Or that dolphins are so playful that they end up entangled in ropes or floating nets? Did you know that there is a fishing method called Catch & Release, which is used to catch fish and return them safe and sound to the water? These and many other things you will learn in our KIDS SCHOOL courses...
We aim to train 30,000 children in Spain, Europe and North Africa.

Can you help us achieve our goal?

Contact us.

Kind regards,

AZ Trading.