Assist Jigs BLUECRAB.

Assist Jigs BLUECRAB.

We add to our offer of realistic jigs, a new complement to make them even more effective. The idea is to offer anglers the option of buying the jigs with or without assist, or the assist separately.

Making unique, handcrafted assist jigs is a great way to offer anglers customized options tailored to their preferences. The ability to choose hooks separately based on preferred color and size gives anglers greater control over their equipment. In addition, the introduction of high-quality, handcrafted hooks specifically decorated with UV-treated and luminescent materials to complement the jigs adds a distinctive touch to the offering.

The key advantages of decorated assist jigs are diverse and can make all the difference in fishing:

  • Visual Attraction: The incorporation of vibrant colors, patterns and visual details enhances the jig's attractiveness. Imitation of natural prey and the ability to stand out in the aquatic environment are important factors in attracting fish.
  • Realism and Naturalness: The addition of feathers, synthetic fibers and other materials allows for a more realistic and natural appearance. This can fool fish into believing that the jig is genuine prey.
  • Attractive movement: Decorative elements, such as feather or fiber skirts, add movement to the jig in the water. This movement can mimic the behavior of live prey and increase the effectiveness of the lure.
  • Versatility in Variable Conditions: The ability to customize the decoration of assist jigs allows them to adapt to specific fishing conditions. Experimenting with different colors and textures with UV and luminescent treatments depending on water clarity, lighting and fish feeding preferences can be crucial.
  • Increased Visibility: The inclusion of UVA light elements, 3D eyes and bright colors improves the visibility of the jig in the water, especially in low light or murky water conditions.
  • Improved Angler Confidence: The ability to customize and decorate jigs can increase angler confidence. Using unique lures tailored to individual preferences can positively influence focus and patience while fishing.

In short, offering decorated assist jigs provides anglers with more effective and customized tools, enhancing their fishing experience and increasing the chances of success.

In AZ TRADING, as we do with other products, we test the assist to know the resistance or endurance of the hooks, as well as the assembly or the closed and open rings that are mounted. In our website you can find the test videos.

In our website WWW.AZTRADING.ES, we have all kinds of materials for the enjoyment of this type of fishing, lures, lines, rods, clothing, hooks, salabres etc, you can view videos with test, video tutorials with uses of materials, and many more sections that we invite you to discover.

You can also send us an inquiry if you need help

Good bow and good fishing!

Remember that it is our obligation to fish responsibly.

Do not leave garbage on the fishing boat or throw it in the water.