KIDS SCHOOL to 90 children of the school "Cristóbal García Blairzy" - Gran Tarajal

KIDS SCHOOL to 90 children of the school "Cristóbal García Blairzy" - Gran Tarajal

Last May 24th, Eco Kids School Association he was in the Cristóbal García Blairzy Public School, in the Gran Tarajal - CANARY ISLANDS.

Our main sponsor AZ Trading with its commercial Royer Cejas held a Kids School course for 90 children from 4th grade of primary school and about 12 adults in attendance.

Pollution, possible actions, over-fishing, fishing techniques and materials,... were some of the topics discussed.

Once on the beach, everyone practised with the rods: some for the first time and others already perfect experts. 😁

- To the school (Headmaster and Head of Studies) for giving us this opportunity. We hope to be able to organise another Kids School soon, bringing together all the pupils (approx. 800 children).
- To David (teachers) and his colleagues, who helped us to carry out this course.
- To the shop Strong FishingThe shop, providing support staff and gifts for the participants.

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Did you know that there is an island created from plastic and rubbish in the ocean? Did you know that its surface area is approximately the same as Spain, France and Germany put together? With our KIDS SCHOOL courses we train you to try to redirect this chaotic situation...

Our goal is to train 30,000 children in Spain, Europe, North Africa... Will you join us to achieve it?

Contact us.

Kind regards,

AZ Trading.